
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Land Rover Jams

Jaguar Land Rover Peoria always enjoys hearing stories from our loyal customers. Our customers become our friends and family, comfortable enough to talk to us and tell us stories just like dear friends do. Our unique relationships with our customers help us to stand out like no other dealership around.

This past week, one of our local customers reached out to us via Facebook to let us know about a new Land Rover owner, from the Krause family right here in Peoria! Jaguar Land Rover Peoria has been working on Staley Krause’s family Land Rover for many, many years. The old family car is now in new ownership to the Krause’s son, Collin. Collin, 16, and his band, The Way Down Wanderers, have created a series of music videos called “Backseat Rover Jams.” 

These music videos are recorded inside the old family Land Rover! What a neat idea. Not only has their Land Rover stayed true and dependable to the family all these years, now their family vehicle has even more meaning. Who would have guessed a Land Rover would be such a great setting for a band to play music? Thank you to the Krause family for sharing this unique story, and best of luck to The Way Down Wanderers on their music journey. Check out our Facebook page here to view the Backseat Rover Jams video.

Do you have any Land Rover or Jaguar stories? Tell us yours today!